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Geovanna Souza Brito da Silva was born on September 6, 2011 weighing 3 lbs, 1 oz. She was born at 35 weeks gestation, already in fetal distress and is a miracle of God. She had two circulars on her neck and one in her abdomen. She went straight to the ICU where she was hospitalized for 5 days after receiving the diagnosis of VSD, a hole in the heart, that healed spontaneously when she was 3 years old. 

Geovanna began to see a neurologist and geneticist when she was 3 months of age. Several tests were completed in 2016, which found that Geovanna has DeSanto-Shinawi Syndrome.

When Geovanna was 2 months old, she had a sequence of hospitalizations for bronchitis but received another miracle from God and she was cured. She took her first steps at 2 years old. Geovanna is nonverbal, only speaking a few words. She is short for her age and underweight. Her diet is selective, she is lactose intolerant, and suffers from chronic constipation. Geovanna is cherished by her family, and shows them loads of affection in return!


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DESSH DeSanto-Shinawi Syndrome Corporation is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity.

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